What’s in your future? How about some mother-daughter bonding time and a $250 shopping spree! Help your daughter to enter Risa Green’s “What Would You Wish For?” Video Book Trailer Contest and find out if winning is her destiny!

Imagine that your daughter had a magic crystal ball that could make everything she asked for come true…what would she wish for? A date with a Jonas brother? A new laptop? Straight As in school? Shoot a video of her saying what she would wish for and send it to us! The ten best wishes will win a signed copy of The Secret Society of the Pink Crystal Ball by Risa Green and will be featured in the video book trailer. The girl with the best wish will receive a $250 gift card that the two of you can spend anywhere you want!

Here are the rules:
  1. Entrants must be girls, between the ages of eleven and fifteen.
  2. Wishes must be in the form of a yes or no question. For example, “Will I win this contest?” is the CORRECT way to ask. “I wish that I will win this contest” is the INCORRECT way to ask. Entries that are not in the form of a yes or no question will be disqualified.
  3. The video should be of your daughter, asking her question, and should be no more than ten seconds long.
  4. If your daughter’s wish is selected to be in the book trailer, we’ll send you an email asking for your permission. If we don’t receive permission from you, then we’ll have to choose someone else.
  5. Entries must be received by October 31, 2010. The winner will be notified no later than November 5, 2010.
Here are some things to think about when making the video with your daughter:
  1. Make sure you film in a quiet place, with lots of light.
  2. When coming up with a wish, have her think of something that she’d really want for herself in the immediate future. So while it would be thoughtful to ask if there will be world peace, and it would be fun to ask if she’ll win an Oscar when she’s twenty, we’re more interested in questions that have to do with her and her life right now.
How to submit your video:
  1. It’s simple! Just upload your video onto You Tube and tag it “The Secret Society of the Pink Crystal Ball Video Entry.” Then send the link via e-mail to: contest@risagreen.com.
  2. In your email, please include the following:
    1. your daughter’s name and age
    2. the state you live in
    3. your email address (for permission purposes only. We will not use or sell email addresses, promise!).
  3. Email submissions which do not include all of the above information will be disqualified from the contest.
Good luck!